To start, the moment where I ran into my old friend Zarah was caught by the school photographer!
Here is her response after we met up again after 3 years :)
It is my back.
I love it :)
The second weekend was a whirlwind of information. So many wonderful guest speakers ranging from food politics to raw food, to Oprah's physician to the notion of whole grains back to high carb/low carb diets and the study of water, air, macrobiotics, ect.
I stayed with Ms. Jema and BK in the city. Ran into a fellow boardie before the Stevie Wonder show, which I did not go to, he lived in Cranford the same town in which the girl sitting next to me in class was from! I spent the evening walking uptown through crowds of various people blissed out from the first day of class. It was a good day.
Sunday was great too. Had another synchronicity moment, at lunch Dawn was telling me about this Halloween costume she had, which was being one of Golden Girls and how awesome her wig was, and then during class the speaker mentioned The Golden Girls. I have not heard nor mentioned the Golden Girls in probably at least 2 years. It made me giggle.
This weekend we sang in class, which was truly energizing especially because of the sound in the place.
And had a dance party...good times for sure.
We also had a vocational class that Monday.
I decided I am not crazy enough to drive in and out of the city during rush hour so I took the train.
It was a beautiful morning at 5:30am. It was snowing and totally serene. I think I was buzzing from the past two days of class.
Got on the train and damn those commuters crazy. The second I went to transfer in Seacacus people were running and pushing. It was nuts. I vowed to never be a NYC commuter in my life. People were completely stressed and tired. I could see the sadness in people. I felt more than ever at that moment completely blessed to be in my position but also aware at how much the world needs Holistic Health Counselors. It was a bittersweet moment.
Once in class I was exhausted. I couldn't imagine making that commute then working a full day and going home. I was wiped.
Dawn and I decided this particular morning to sit in the pit near the front. Ended up Erica's two sisters sat next to us, our buddy Josh sat next to me, and three other women we knew sat in the row in front of us. It was very strange but nice to have familiar faces around us.
During one of the lectures I was doodling and taking notes. I was working on this one particular image and all of a sudden the speaker recommended a book. I was like wait I have that book. Sure enough the image I was drawing was on the cover of the book that was being recommended. At that I will finish my second weekend synopsis.
Beautiful things are happening. I wish any of you who are signing up for this program much luck. It will change your life :)
Here is the link again :)
IIN Website
Let them know I sent you :)